Mount a Multi-Pronged Digital Marketing Attack That Brings Qualified Leads Right to Your Door
There is a virtually infinite array of moving parts that go into any successful digital marketing program. The bottom line is, quite simply, your bottom line. Yet there is no single method that will turn your site into an ROI machine. Nor is there any guarantee that what’s effective today will continue to generate results tomorrow.
That’s where we come in. We’ll sit with you to learn everything there is to know about your business: How your customers behave. What they’re looking for. How they’re segmented, behaviorally and geographically. How you take them from a simple lead or referral to a full-fledged customer. And finally (and most importantly of all), how you interact with them in order to retain their recurring business in a cluttered sea of competition.
After we’ve gained a complete understanding of the strengths you possess, the challenges you face, and your available budget, it’s time to reach into our toolbox and craft a digital marketing strategy tailored specifically for your business.
Every client requires a unique strategy, but any successful digital marketing endeavor will make varying use of any or all of the following tools:

Search Engine Optimization
So-called “natural” rankings are an important facet of digital marketing to say the least, and we’ve got the tools to get you the coveted First Page slot that every business hungers for. But which terms? Connected with what content? We’ll get involved at the ground level. Researching keywords, their search volume and competitiveness. Monitoring the competition to see what’s working and what isn’t. And crafting your on-page content and your overall online presence (social media, inbound links, blogging, etc.) to ensure that you perform efficiently and effectively on search engines like Google, Yahoo! and Bing.
Because search volume and web traffic look great on a graph – but qualified customers reaching pertinent content, and then reacting to that content, looks great on a financial statement.
Pay-per-Click Advertising (PPC)
PPC is another vital digital marketing tactic in the war for market share. It’s not enough to type some Google ads, throw in some keywords and allot a daily budget. To see real return on your PPC investment, you have to be strategic. Segment your ads to different geographic markets or your various products/services. Determine the actual or estimate value of a lead, to get a good feel for how your ads are impacting your bottom line. Test different headlines, messages, special offers and landing pages. And constantly monitor the avalanche of available data from Google and Bing, assessing what is and isn’t working on an almost real-time basis.
We become your PPC partner, constantly refining and reporting as we work together to hone in on a pay-per-click strategy that’s a revenue machine.
Social Media and Blogs
Regular engagement with current and prospective customers has revolutionized the entire branding process. Every brand needs a personality, a voice and a unified message.
With dozens of Facebook pages, blogs, YouTube channels and Twitter accounts under our belts, we can help you to formulate your brand’s online personality and develop an ongoing calendar of communication to ensure that your presence is consistent and effective.
Landing Pages
55%. That’s how much more likely a customer is to react to an ad or search engine result when he/she is taken to a single landing page with succinct, relevant content and a clear call to action.
That’s why landing page design and implementation is such an important part of most digital marketing efforts. We know the best practices and we’ve successfully employed them for numerous clients in the past.